Saturday 14 November 2015

Ten environmental benefits of Sandalwood trees

Climate Change: Climate change happens because of increased emission of CO2 to the atmosphere, this can be tackled by planting large number of trees which absorb CO2 and release the oxygen back thereby reducing climate change.

Clean Air: Trees absorb pollutant gases such as carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide from the atmosphere which cleans the air and improves the quality of living in a locality which leads to health benefits to the people.

Water table: The water table increases wherever there are abundant trees as they prevent sunlight and reduces heat which stops loss of water. Also they provide natural filtration and fresh water resources for human population.

Temperature: World reels under global warming due to inadvertent felling of tree habitats and increasing green cover with the help of trees substantially reduces heat.
Soil Erosion: Trees control soil erosion to a very great extent with their roots thereby reducing loss of nutrients from the soil.

Bio Diversity: It’s a well known fact that tress increases biodiversity by their existence which greatly improves ecology, the various living organisms directly and indirectly make the earth a better place.
Flood Control: Trees provide natural flood preventing mechanism, which greatly reduces loss of human life and loss of shelter for people.

Soil Fertility: The fertility of soil at a place surrounded by trees increases phenomenally due to the falling of leaves. The decaying of leaves increases micro organisms which makes the soil fertile and more suitable for cultivation of more trees.

Rainfall: The presence of large number of trees increases rainfall thereby resulting in multiple benefits such as charging of fresh water resources, feeding the oceans etc.
Pollution: Trees reduce Air pollution, Water Pollution and Noise Pollution with their presence and makes the environment more livable and healthy.

EDS Farms Private Limited
W101, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar ,
Chennai-600040, Tamilnadu.
044 45058348 | 42612288

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